Tuesday, February 19, 2008

VICE PRESIDENTS' DAY ©1995 has officially arrived. To vice or not to vice...that's your Decision.

February 19TH is not just another Date in Passing Time. With President's Day kicking off the Week as it does each 3rd Monday in Febrary, Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith (known as 'America's Premier Eventologist') feels that Vice Presidents should also have their Day (in the sun). With that in mind, she cleverly created: VICE PRESIDENTS' DAY ©1995 back during the 1900s. 2008 marks the HOLIDATE's 14TH year of celebration.

For those who are VPs, know or are interviewing for that coveted position, read on. The enlightening Dialog espousing VICE PRESIDENTS’ DAY ©1995 will warm any cold winter day up, totally...


Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith's VICE PRESIDENTS’ DAY ©1995 slated annually for:

February 19 - Celebrating its 14TH Year in 2008

First (on the Chronological Scales of Time), there’s President’s Day. (INSERT: If you work, it’s a Februarian Day off with Pay, a full-fledged 3-Day Weekend, minus U.S. Mail and Bill Delivery). Presidents’ Day ranks as a Traditional Holiday, non-Koopersmithian in nature, style or format.

Then, the Day thereafter, the Fun begins. According to ASK’s Eventological Formula, it is proclaimed as: Vice Presidents’ Day ©1995, following suit (regardless of ‘Hierarchy’) to all governmental Rules & Regulations. After all, what’s good for The President is acceptable and do-able for The Vice President. What’s good for The Goose is great for The Gander as Ancient Proverbs inscribe that goosy Fact. Let’s give Everyone and Everything their rightful Due during the Course of the Year.

Always scheduled on The Day after Presidents’ Day, this KOOPERSMITHIAN HOLIDATE tributes and attributes Vice Presidents everywhere – not only in Government and Politics but in high-powered Businesses & Trades across Corporate America (North & South), Europe, Africa, the Far East and wherever Presidents of Vice prevail. A Petition is now circulating whereby President’s Day and ASK’s Vice President’s Day ©1995 are permanently bonded making and legitimizing the First full 4-Day Weekend in US History (which will probably follow suit across The Globe).

Then, if you work, it’s another Day off with Pay, a full-fledged 4-Day Deluxe Weekend, minus U.S. Mail and Bill Delivery. You still may have to ‘pay the Meter’ unless you’re an upright Citizen abiding by the fully Green Statues of biking, rollerblading or strolling to work (instead). How sweet is that eventful, non-traditional Addition to Holidaydom?

Time will only tell.
Sign the Petition.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned for more Eventological Updates.


1. For TV/Radio & Webcasts: Invite Vice Presidents of various Groups (from corporate to non-profits) as Guests and/or Audience Participants. With ASK as an Interviewer for this Segment, in order to add some subtle Humor to the Situation, these VPs are allowed to air ‘The(ir) Vice and Advice’ before it hits the Nightly News.

2. ASK (as a Contributor to your Publication) writes an Article on famous Vice Presidents throughout History about their Motives & Styles and the Differences they made to Culture. Explore what they did in their Secondary Capacity which discusses the Honors of Vice Presidencies. To add an Ounce of Comedy, a Section can be utilized where they are allowed to air ‘The(ir) Vice and Advice.’

3. Assign one of your Senior Staff Writers to interview ASK regarding the 5W’s of Journalism and how she created this unique Event, now in its 14TH year.

4. By the same token, you may wish to HIRE ASK for 2008 for your Publication in a Column called: ASK, THE EVENTOLOGIST ®.

5. Vice Presidents' Day ©1995 has been condensed into a 16-page Children’s Book, suitable for ages 3-8 in order for them to be properly introduced to the Eventological Style of Living Life in the 21ST Century. That Equation focuses on a healthier and wiser Outlook, instilling the Eight (8) Virtues that ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith inspires in others and promotes under the Auspices of:

The ART of EVENT-Making
Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith’s Campaigns For Humanity ©1990.

An Assortment of Chicago Talent (Illustrators, Fine Artists, Water Colorists, Graphic Artists, Computer Graphic Artists and Cartoonists, as well as using ASK’s own Photographs) have been employed to illustrate said HOLIDATE ® according to Koopersmith’s specific Instructions. An astute Book Publisher (preferably from New York City) who has been in the Book Industry for 50+ years is currently being sought to distribute this poignant Series. Her ultimate Plan includes all 1,500+ of these classic, unique and original HOLIDATES, a complete Series (that fall into 35 specific Categories) and deluxe EVENT-O-PEDIA ® Set.


Booklets and/or Info Sheets are/were created for this and the other 1,500+ HOLIDATES (that are housed in 35 distinct Genres) and are updated regularly. ASK’s EVENT-O-PEDIA ® was released in 1997. Upon EVENTOLOGY’s 20TH Year Anniversary, another EVENT Encyclopedia will be published.

PREDICTIONS FOR 2008: According to ADRIENNE SIOUX KOOPERSMITH, Thematic Events are now aptly called:


This Concept is elaborated moreso in THE CHRONICLES OF EVENTOLOGY ® and is the Basis of KOOPERSMITH’s 1,500+ HOLIDATES TO CELEBRATE. All HOLIDATES ® are meticulously placed on specifically chosen Dates of Appeal and specialized Seasons of The Year and have a decisive Theme and Drill that can be used for a wide Array of School Curriculums, Parties, Marketing Studies, Slow News Days, Social Clubs, Senior Citizen Gatherings, Radio & TV Programming, Life-in-General, etc.

Because People are partial and gravitate towards Themes (in which they can plan future Activities around), ADRIENNE SIOUX KOOPERSMITH’s HOLIDATES (that fall into 35 specific Categories) are ideal in which to layout a Calendar, an Editorial Month or a Family’s, Individuals’, Media or School’s Agenda.


All HOLIDATES ® are copyrighted, protected by Law and archived in Washington, D.C. since July 25, 1990 when EVENTOLOGY officially was launched. None of these Events can be used in any Form without notifying and gaining the Express Permission of its Creator and Author: ADRIENNE SIOUX KOOPERSMITH at:


Any Copyright Infringement
of these HOLIDATES will be immediately turned over to Legal Prosecutors.

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