Saturday, August 16, 2008

Open Letter to Madonna: 5 Points you should realize about Turning 50

Saturday, August 16, 2008 - - 9:34 AM CST

Dear Madonna:

Evidently, the Media did not portray you in a very pleasant light the last few months before your 50th birthday. That's a shame for a number of reasons, a few of which follow:

1) You've gathered the Wisdom of the last 49 years (something no one else) has and have become the person you are, today.

2) You know what works and what doesn't work in your Life. This basically is applicable to all people. In other words, they know that too much drinking and drugging causes havoc on the body.

3) You've amassed a fortune in every kind of worldly good a person could ever want. Since a great deal of the global population lives on $1 or less a day, there's really no reason to complain,
moan and/or groan.

4) You have the abiity now (with 1/2 of your Life yet to go) to do something for Humanity that will leave an indelible mark. The younger generation (these days) is in trouble. Education is their 'only way out.' Being a role model with the right set of Ethics can indeed leave them better off than they were...even a day ago.

5) Lastly, Age is just a Number, much like your zip code; phone number or dress size. If a person has $100, he or she is richer than if a Person only has $50. If The Western World looked on Age as an Asset instead of a Mark of Senility, Loneliness and Abandonment, We'd all be healthier, wiser and richer and less panic-stricken or anxious.

From a Personal Standpoint (where I draw, develop or contrive all my Date + Info), I (magnificently) turned:

'Sweet 16 + 40'

last Saturday on August 9TH or '56' if you're counting Candles. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Bad Relationships and Crime haven't stopped me yet. Lions roar...if you want to get Astrological about the Days & Dates.

Happy Birthday, Madge! Contrary to Popular Belief and Pop Culture, 50 is a glorious Milestone to behold, that's to be celebrated and enjoyed...And is the Start of 'The Best' to come. You'll never see 49 again (except in Pictures) and for those who haven't made it 'This Far' yet, Age(lessness) is definitely a Blessing (in-disguise).



ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
AFSEE: Advocate For Senior Equality & Enrichment
GORF Werks Central - Home of the Grin Reader & The Icon of The Green Movement
Koopersmith's Global Communications
"People read what Adrienne writes about..."
Chicago, IL USA

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