Saturday, January 9, 2010

Everything you ever wanted to ask ASK about SKiN: The Book & Script. #9

Chicago, IL USA:

There may be parts in our World where SKiN Color just doesn't matter. The Tribes are intimate. They do not make contact with the Outer World. They lead a very simple lifestyle and their Clan is based on Kinship. However, for millions of people, a Different Interaction takes place between People as mobility and migration are huge factors that have become The Norm in the 21st Century.

Therefore, with the Writing of:

SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature ™
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

that is a Text as well as Movie Script (now being pitched to various Hollywood Industrialist as of December 21, 2009), its Message is one that binds and bonds people together by using The Senses in order to sense what makes US the Same and indeed that Factor is SKiN.

CLOSING: Please stay tuned for another Segment of defining SKiN ©2009 tomorrow, which will be a Month-long Blog Series of KOOPERSMITHin'® celebrating the First Year Anniversary of the Composition of this Book and Movie Script.

Quote of ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Author: SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature (TM)
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

Posted: Saturday, January 9, 2010 - 10:35 PM

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