Friday, December 18, 2009

Faux Fur Fridays - #51 of 52. It's just a BIKE Ride away.

Chicago, IL USA: So as the year winds down to its last 13 days, so do FAUX FUR FRIDAYS (C)2008 - celebrated throughout 2009 - which have provided lots of fun as well as food-for-fodder every Friday. Pertaining to ecology and bearing the thought in mind that it is better to WEAR faux fur patterns instead of real animals, Faux Fur Fridays will carry onthroughout 2010, but will be featured on the 4TH Friday of the month only.

This is because my main creative Activity for 2010 will be the promotion of my Novel:

SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

that I just completed as a Screenplay that will be evaluated by Hollywood Producers as of January 5, 2010. Because the 10 Characters of SKiN are Toys taken from my Toy Box (being the avid Toy Collector that I am), the Spirit of Faux Fur Fridays continues, but for the most part the 4 Themes will be vigorously worked since RACE and RACISM are still problematic - imagine that -- even as we approach the New Year -- and 10 years into the New Millennium and Century.

Also, as the First Year Anniversary of SKiN approaches on Friday, January 29, 2010 I will be doing an interview with on-air Radio Personality:

Terry Phillips of KVPO, presents Quality of Life: Valley Public Radio's weekly exploration of issues that affect our Quality of life. The programs are heard Tuesday mornings from 9am to 10am.

Terry is also an accomplished Author - having written "Murder at the Altar" - a historical novel - released in February 0f 2008. He is available for interviews by contacting:

Hye Books*
P.O. Box 12492
Bakersfield, CA 93389

December 24, 2009 marks the 76 anniversary of the murder assassination of his lead Character, Archbishop Ghevont Tourian in New York City

And at his website at his Bio states:

Journalist Terry Phillips is a veteran war correspondent. From the waning days of the Cold War to the start of the Gulf Conflict, he reported major stories for CBS, NPR and NBC/Mutual News. During the 1990s, he was based in Moscow and witnessed the collapsing Soviet Empire. He traveled throughout the now-former USSR, as well as to hot spots in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and beyond. Phillips was one of the first American reporters to live and work in Armenia following the 1988 earthquake, and to cover the armed conflict in Mountainous Karabagh. Among his other international datelines are Baghdad, Kabul, Mogadishu, Port-au-Prince, Prague and Sarajevo.

After reading that wrap-up, for those of us who get into a slump, Terry does serve as an example of a well-led life. Not all of us can have the adventures he has, but his days are certainly well-constructed to get the most and maximum from each -- indeed a great thought to keep in mind as we formulate our Resolutions for 2010.

With 2010 heralding the 20TH Year of my Creation of:

The Art of Event-Making
Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith's Campaigns for Humanity (C)1990

on July 25, 2010 and with over 1900 HOLIDATES that fall into 39 different categories, I will be speaking about the Top18 that have made their way into SKiN and other topics that happen to be pertinent to the conversation. You got to love radio - you can talk and sound good without putting on mascara or getting out of your jammies!


As of today on the corner of South Blvd & Chicago Avenues in Evanston, IL, I hit the high-mark of 3900 miles. All this exercise since May 29, 2008 when I bought the Bike. Granted, it is cold and icey out here in the Greater Chicagoland area, but persevering cold weather is actually good for you -- as exercise is often neglected and walks and biking foregone when the days get shorter and colder. However, that should not be the norm because taking care of one's health is year-long activity. You eat every day. You should exercise every day. Even a stationery bike is a dynamic tool for those who do not want to ride when the temperatures begin to dip and the roads get icier. Perhaps alongside your Christmas Tree or Hanukah Bush you'll find a Bike. I hope you do.

Posted by:
ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Founder: Faux Fur Fridays (C)2008

Chicago, IL USA

Posted by: December 18, 2009 - 12:13 PM CST

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