Friday, April 17, 2009

Koopersmith's Faux Fur Friday #16. Unveiling the FAUX FUR BIKE.

Chicago, IL USA: The First Sign of Spring is putting your winter clothes away. Faux Fur has a tendency to be MORE of a winter style in nature but with cottons, silks and polyesters who are into synthetics, the stripes and lines of original FAUX-ing can be well-worn into the summer and autumn months of the year.

Furthermore, for those into Sport-like Projects, there's no time like the Present to begin. My select project is to redesign 1 of my bikes. And, the chosen pattern is FAUX FUR. The colors have been chosen; the paints and brushes bought and later today, with a few splashes of primer, the FIRST FAUX FUR BIKE will be wheeling its way onto the Streets of Chicago for the


Bikes have come a long way the last century, but to date, it's nice to have a BIKE that matches your Outfits. That one will fit mine to the 'T.'

Posted by:
ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Founder: Faux Fur Fridays
Friday, April 17, 2009 10:10 AM CST

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