Thursday, April 25, 2019

STUBBS FEST: Honoring Mayor Stubbs & The State of ALASKA during its 60TH Year of Statehood (in 2019). All aboard The Stubbs' Mobile.

April 25, 2019 - 5:55 AM CST

Stubbs' Fest* 

Oh, no, NOT another CAT Holidate
But yes: IT of 'The Finest,' FUR sure.

You're sure tootin it is.  This one honors & salutes Mayor Stubbs, a big Ginger CAT who mayoralized The Town of Talkeenta, Alaska for 20 years...from 1997 to 2017.

I know how this goes as my Father, Louie Koop was Mayor of Mendota, Illinois for nearly 16 years.  That made me The First Daughter of The First Mayor. Quite a Responsibility that soulfully takes #PURRSeverance to say the least.

And, to top a Bunch of The Facts off, this Year: 2019  alone is The Sixtieth (60TH) Year Anniversary that his State, The State of ALASKA turns 60.  

Therefore, the really COOL CAT FACT is that this CAT was a tried and true Fixture of The State for 34% of The Longevity & History of Alaska. Few 2 legged Humans can claim such a relevant Title.

That alone deserves 1 of my well-known EVENTS  ~ HOLiDATES that were just aired & featured on:

VOA: Voice of America:  
The Russian Network 

that was heard by an Audience of 236.6 Million Viewers & translated into Forty (40) Languages.  And besides, from Stubbs' Window, you could see Russia - so that counts...fur something.

Return here by Tomorrow at Noon for The Full Holidate's Explanation about Stubbs' Fest as all of my Events (2,500+ of them in 38 precise Categories as of Today) are thoughtfully written out as a Story with a Moral & Meaning - the Modern Day AESOP FABLE but with an Action Activity (as this) attached - many times commemorating The Life & Times of someone very special... as #CATS & Stubbs, in PURRticular. 

FiLE:  When Meaning & Relevance count

Stubbs' Fest* Part & Parcel of:

The Decade of The CAT ~ FELiNE 

containing 366 CAT elated & related #Holidates that help Humans bond-best with their CATS.


Unfortunately, my Word Version did not sync in with The 
Blogspot format and I do not know how to FIX it. Therefore, piece the following together as well as you can.  Your Horizontal Scroll Bar at the Bottom of the Page will allow you to see the e-l-o-n-g-a-t-e-d Copy.

For those who wish to own their very own The EVENTO-Book Version, it's FREE to those who donate $100+ to my GO FUND ME Account created to establish my Institute of Eventology (where all 2,500 Holidates will be housed during: 

         beginning on January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2029

to honor the Strides I have made the last Three (3) Decades.

Online at:

Let STUBBS' Days begin:

Mayor Stubbs reclining on a car
Mayor Stubbs of 99676 in Action.

(all NiNE of them)

SLATED FOR:  April 12 & July 18-21

With The HOLIDATE known as:
Stubbs. Mayor Stubbs here at Your Service Day ©2018
When CATS Govern Day ©2018
Stubbs’ Fest ©2019

Symbolically created upon The 60TH Year-long CELEBRATION that
Alaska known as ‘The Last Frontier’
was officially granted Statehood
on Saturday, January 3 of 1959.

(Also known as: CATURDAY to CAT Lovers across The World).

THUS, Mayor Stubbs ~ THE CAT
has been a vitally memorable and UNFURGETTABLE Part
of The USA’s 49TH State’s History for 34.48% of
Alaska’s colorful, illustrious + rich Panoramic Almanac.  
For PURRSiSTENTLY hosting that Role in his Community,
‘Stubbs’ shall always be remembered.

Once Upon a Time, a Long Time ago…

Residents in Talkeetna, Alaska pulled out all Stops when they got fed-up with Human Politicians and voted in their First Four-Legged Mayor who served The Town proudly for Twenty (20) Years. This Overthrow occurred on Friday, July 18, 1997 when Stubbs, known by his First Name only (like Cher, Madonna & Beyoncé) was only Two (2) Months old.  A mere KiTTEN (at that) barely weaned and screened for Stardom, He serenely strolled The Stony and Cobblestone Streets and Alcoves of Talkeetna (LOCATED 593 Miles from The Arctic Circle) making sure no Pebble (taken figuratively, physically and literally, of course) was left unturned for over Two (2) Decades of TiME. That’s Five (5) Terms in Human Years, a Democracy-in-Action based upon The Four PAW Theory of PET Governing. There’s INTEGRiTY & TENACiTY in FELiNE Governing as We are soon going to discover.

…during The 1900’s…
Born a small, blind and ginger KiTTY to a large LiTTER on Saturday, April 12, 1997 - (The 14TH CATURDAY of 1997, that is), Stubbs’ Destiny was inked out for (t)his meteoric ~ MEOWTEORiC RiSE.  He quickly rose to Stately Prominence ~ PURROMINENCE and to The FUReFront (that’s ForeFront) of his Species’ League when He realized a meaningful Career in PAWLITICS was his Calling.  Luckily, The Timing was all in his Favor as Talkeetna’s Resident Voters were highly resistant to, repulsed and disgruntled by The Human(s) but not Humane Candidates running for Office in their Town.  

“We need better than that,”
they chanted as they took to The Streets, in protest ~ PURRotest.

THEiR CHOiCE was clearly Stubbs and no one else would do.  When Change is in ‘The Air,’ their ATTiTUDE of CATiTUDE was one where THE CATS’ Interests were completely that of his TownsPeople, as The TownsPeople were aligned to Stubbs. A Mutual Relationship (like none other ever viewed) was percolating ~ PURRCOLATiNG as CAT-ON-BOARD Signs dotted The Countryside.

This is how the FRiSKY GiNGER CAT garnered the coveted POSiTiON ~ PAWSITION:

“Our CAT could work and would work much more
effectively and efficiently FUR The People of Talkeetna,”

The Townspeople rallied-in-unison, as a determined Group of them headed by The Nagle Family worked their Way to The Town’s City Hall, a PETiTiON in Hand, endorsing Stubbs as their Candidate for Mayor.   Without yielding to Pressure, their Write-in Campaign of Stubbs-For-Mayor CATAPULTED ‘THE CAT’ to the leading Mayoral Chair in their Borough, Matanuska-Susitna where Stubbs graciously accepted his New Post ~ PAWST.  He resided and presided (PURRESiDED) every Day (24/7 except when CAT-NAPPiNG) for the next Two (2) Decades, unchallenged because He was ‘THE CAT’ standing for PURRINCIPLES & PURRACTICES (Principles & Practices) no other Candidate PAWSSESSED ~ possessed. In this Dog-eat-Dog World, Stubbs made Front Page News newsworthy.  Being ‘THE COOL CAT’ as He was, He took it all in-stride.

Do note that his ‘Celebrity CATus Status’ all occurred before The Phenomena of SOCiAL MEDiA revolutionized COMMUNiCATiONS and how ‘The Public’ ~ The People’ relate to their Community and its Betterment.  That is: before Word-of-Mouse (originally known as: Word-of-Mouth) made our communi-CAT-ions so much easier and eco-friendly.  Because of Stubbs’ Honorable Contributions, He is lauded and applauded with The Title of being ‘THE FiRST CAT’ to have started THE CAT’s ViRAL MOVEMENT, where Today, CAT ViDEOS rank as the most popularly watched across our Granite Planet, Planet Earth.

Related image

“When a CAT is born, so is a Star.”

CATURDAY: OCTOPURR ~ October 27, 2018 – 6:48 AM CST

Although his Sights were cast on larger Precincts ~ PURRECINCTS where The FiSHiNG INDUSTRY was staked out, Stubbs loved the Small Town AMBiANCE, CATMOSPHERE & Atmosphere of LiFE in Talkeetna where He was to happily remain for his Full NiNE LiVES.

VIOLENCE IN SMALL TOWN AMERiCA:  On an otherwise, UNEVENTFUL and quiet Day, in a premeditated Act of Rage, Jealousy & Violence, an unidentified Dog dubiously and aggressively lunged at Mayor Stubbs while He chalantly strolled The Streets of Talkeetna without his Bodyguards. Causing THE CAT major Abrasions, Mayor Stubbs was brutally punctured, fractured and deeply lacerated.  Quickly rescued, He was treated by the local Veterinarian, where He fully recovered; received a Clean Bill of Health and returned ‘back Home’ to continue his Mayoralizing regardless of The Dog’s Threats.


PAWSSESSiNG (that’s: possessing, of course) a Type C (for CAT) PURRSONALITY helped Mayor Stubbs conduct his w-i-d-e Range of Deluxe Services for The Townspeople of his COMMUNiTY with an acute FELiNE FLAiR far surpassing those of any Humanly-run Government Facility. Because of those Abilities, Mayor Stubbs made a Bid for The Senate and The PURRESIDENCY, following in The Steps of Abraham Lincoln’s Four (4) CATS who ruled The White House from Monday, March 4, 1861 – Friday, April 14, 1865, a Total of 1,502 Days or Four (4) Years, One (1) Month & Ten (10) Days.

His Vintage Flyers with Captions depicting how a DEMOCATRACY is to be run are now sought-after Collectibles on eBAY as depicted below. The Clue is that ‘The Counterfeits’ do not contain The Aroma Scent of Stubbs’ Favorite Deep Dish Fried Sardine Plate & Platter. Smacking good down to The Last Scale.

Image result for Talkeetna     Image result for Talkeetna


Mayor Stubbs’ Duties encouraged daily Human Activities as Biking, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting and Rafting so that his People & Tourists (who would pull in to visit) would not succumb to the raging and deadly Human OBESiTY Plague & Crysis sweeping across ‘Parts of The Globe, The Continent and The United States of America. His Belief was:  


(as a SPECiES who is 42,000,000 Years Old)
can teach Man Valuable Lessons about
if they only listen.

Yes, Mayor Stubbs’ mandated (as Law) on his Bully Pulpit to solemnly swear that He would FUREVER keep his Domain as flourishing and healthy as PAWSSiBLE. That’s ‘possible,’ of course.
FURTHERMORE, He generated Growth for a substantial Portion ~ PURRTiON of The Local Economy.  The Citizenry favored this.  The Populace loved his Mentality.  Both wanted to thank him PURROFUSELY by building a NiNE (9) Floor Bronze Statue in  his Honor, by recognizing his 3V: ViM, VALOR & ViGOR that would be placed in The Town’s Square commemorating The NiNE LiVES he gave in Public Service, but when asked,  Mayor Stubbs preferred ~ PURRferred those Funds to be DEDiCATED to CAT Shelters across Alaska.

After all, The Moral to Mayor Stubbs’ STORY (like all Good Tales-of-GLORY) is:  
It’s not what you look like;
if you have Fish-Breath;
if you walk on Two to Four or more Paws or Legs;

but what is in your Heart that counts and matters most.  As We would all Hashtag Today, those very Sentiments immortalize a CAT who indeed was a Head of his Times, a proven ~ PURRoven SuPURR-Species®:


Due to Stubbs’ iNSiGHTS, Talkeetna became a Destination VACATiON - the ideal Getaway for Anchorage Residents, being the short Distance of only a pleasant 150 Minute Drive away from The Hustle & Bustle of Alaska’s largest City. And, indeed Tourists flocked from even further still when they heard about Mayor Stubbs, CAT Mayor.  This is not a Mayor and his CAT. This is a CAT who is a Mayor.

🗹 Who has crossed over.
🗹 Who has gained Ground.  
🗹 Who has united Species.
🗹  Who has ventured where no other CAT has gone before.
🗹  Who has made great Civic & PURRSONAL Strides.
🗹  Who has influenced The iNFLUENCERS.
🗹  Who has placed his Morals & Worth above The Temptations
     of ordinary Human LiFE, creating an ExtraOrdinary Era for
     those who knew and loved him.

All accomplished without saying a Single Word but by KiNDNESS and ACTiONS alone.  This is a CAT, assuming a Human’s Post and being (large) and in-charge. Clad in FUR, Mayor Stubbs presented himself as a Force ~ FURCE to be reckoned with and succeeded.  Although his Backers wanted him to run for The Senate and USA Presidency, Stubbs felt most comfortable in Talkeetna. After all, there is no Place like Home.  That alone speaks Volumes.                                

960 × 636
Once The District Headquarters of The Alaska Railroad, Stubbs fostered Commerce to embrace The Town of Talkeetna especially with their unique Breakfast Entries, PURRTICULARLY APPETIZING for CATS being LOCATED around so many glaciated Lakes filled with FiSH FiLLETS of every Variety; Rodents in the surrounding Fields and Avian Flocks traversing The Skies overhead. Stubbs’ Suppers & Snacks were fit for a Queen & King.  He shared because He cared. When hearing about ‘The CAT Mayor,’ CAT Parents ~ PURRENTS brought their PETS (traveling Thousands of Miles) to EXPURRiENCE ‘The Spectacularity’ Mayor Stubbs created by his Allure, Charm & PURRSONALiTY.  This was a SPECiAL TiME for Alaskans and CAT Lovers everywhere.    


Then, ‘The Inevitable’ happened. On Monday, July 21, 2017, Mayor Stubbs took his Last Walk through his Village.  He drank a Bowl of Milk. He rubbed the Ankles of his Family Members. Then, He laid down on his Desk and The Spirit of Bastet, The CAT Goddess of Ancient Egypt whisked him away across The Rainbow Bridge. Having fulfilled a remarkable 20 Years & 3 Month Record of selflessly serving his City, State and Nation, his Townspeople were in shock and thrown into the Greatest Sadness and Despair ~ DESPURR ever EXPURRiENCED for ‘The Love of a CAT,’ a most Special #SuPURR_SPECiES who devoted his LiFE to those around Him.  

Putting Talkeetna on The Map; his PURRSONALiTY is said to have attracted 30-40 Tourists every Day while He held Office, all wishing to meet his Royal Highness. Stubb’s Reign cannot be compared ~ COMPURRED as He added 3C: Culture, Class & Charisma to his Community that has become His Legacy.  To this Day, He is celebrated and still mourned and remains an Indelible Part of THE CAT KiNGDOM hailing from The Great Pacific Northwest and throughout FELiNE Folklore.  

His Branch & SPiRiT ~ SPURRiT shall forever remain on
‘The Tree of LiFE.’


Echoes of a CAT – Mayor Stubbs, a FiNE FELiNE (whose Majestic Mark still walks and stalks The Streets and Grounds of his Town – his People – his LiFE) persist ~ PURRSiST.

Stubbs, a Ginger TomCat lived for 20 years. Seeing The Seasons play-out in his State of Alaska. Seeing One Century roll over into a New Millennium.  Feeling The Wind blow through The Hairs on his Back and The Sun shine upon his Torso.  He saw Babies born.  He saw Townsmen grow old. He saw People come. He saw People go.  He was the Binding Force that kept Humanity human(e).  Stubbs, 'The Mayor' was more than a Political ~ PAWLiTiCAL FiGURE with an obligatory  9-5 Job to do, He became a FELiNE FiGUREHEAD (tried and true) - The Personification ~ PURRSONiFiCATiON of what LiFE can offer to each of us – if We only put our


that brought a SMiLE  & BiG GRiN to The Faces & a Warmth to The Hearts of those who knew him; saw him; heard about him; and loved him from both near his Town and from afar as this STORY has been brought to you by Two (2) LiFE-long CAT Lovers, namely Julia G. Fuxman of Rugby, England and Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith of Chicago, Illinois USA several Years after his Passing.  Stubbs indeed epitomized The Soul & Spirit of Talkeetna.  Remembering him… would indeed make him happy…


Packet of Photos:

La Fini

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