Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Translate your Story today into 5 different Languages with JULIA KURTZ, Romance Language Wizard.

Today We find ourselves steeped in to the Information Age.  That means that within 10 seconds (or less) We can contact Friends, Contacts and Business Associates who reside tens of thousands of miles away.  Each of them has their own special Story to tell.  To get that Story, News & Views ‘out there’ and understood is the Talent of a few People who are able to decipher,  interpret and translate your Works into those that can be read internationally.  The Info Age also allows us (even those who are not the greatest of StoryTellers) to express themselves.  Again, that is where Ms. Kurtz comes onto the Scene and to your Rescue by not only translating your Words but by buffing up what you want  to say so that no embarrassing Moments appear.
With Decades of proven Experience under her belt, Ms. Kurtz’s award-winning Skills are now available to all Literary Types who write in the Plethora of Genres that we love to read – to those Writers, Authors, Professors, Teachers & Academicians who wish to explore MORE of a Global Arts and Reading  Front. 
Her 9 Page Curriculum Vitae follows along with her eMail address to inquire more.  I’ve known Julia for five years and I still wonder at how she does it!  Her Brain is indeed wired differently than most Peoples and we are glad it is.  Getting your Story and Project translated has never been easier when Ms. Kurtz steps in to assist.  Introducing you to:

Evanston, Illinois USA

email: Naomi(dot)Kurtz(at)sbcglobal(dot)net





Certified Spanish/English interpreter for all legal proceedings.

Skilled in simultaneous, consecutive and summary modes of interpreting.

Experienced interpreter and translator.

Specialties in law, business, medicine and technology.

Strong research and writing skills.

Training and experience as university teacher in language, literature and linguistics.

Excellent interpersonal skills.


Spanish/English Interpreter                                                                               

Spanish/English interpreter in the following settings:

* U.S. Federal District Courts

* Cook and DuPage County Circuit Courts

* Illinois Industrial Commission

* National Board of Labor Relations

* Cook County Arbitration Center

* Conferences

* Depositions

* Insurance hearings

* Medical and hospital exams

* Voice-overs and voice-over scripts

* Business meetings

* Expert witness in criminal and civil proceedings

Certified by the Administrative Office,

U.S. Federal Courts

Translator in other Romance languages                                                                      

(Spanish, Portuguese, French, Galician, Catalán)



Selected list of projects:

IMMIGRATION:  Personal documents; affidavits, interrogatories, and powers of attorney.


CONFERENCES:  (Selected assignments): Advances in Ostomy Care, Hollister International, Libertyville, IL (Fall 2012); 4th World Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Congress (2011); Shaklee Corporation Annual Conference in Chicago, September 2011-2008; “MannaQuest 2010”, Mannatech Conference, September 2010; “Dream Tour,”; Pezzati Viajes, Argentine Wine Sales & Distribution, Wine-tasting Expo, April 2010; “Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Symposium on Rhetorical Studies in Latin America,” DePaul University, May 2010; “New Generation Tour,” McDonald’s International Days, McDonald’s World Headquarters, October 2008; Simultaneous interpreting at the 2008 Delta Kappa Gamma International Society of Women Educators; 1995 Food Marketing Institute Conference; 1992 International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect and 1992 International Congress of the World Association for Infant Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines.


ACADEMIC: Translated from Portuguese to English treatise on human rights, entitled Social Rights as Fundamental Human Rights: Their Essential Nature and Guarantees [Los Derechos Sociales como Derechos Humanos Fundamentales: Su Imprescindibilidad y Garantías ], Raider Publishing International (2012). by Professor Rodrigo García Schwarz. Translated Canons 204-297 in Book II, The People of God, Commentary on Catholic Canon Law, for Midwest Translators Forum and the University of Pamplona: 1999-2002.


LEGAL:  Selected list of large translation projects for the following organizations:  translated articles of incorporation, amendment of articles of incorporation, and bylaws for Informix International, Inc. and Informix Software, Inc., for incorporation of subsidiaries in Bolivia and Ecuador; over 400 pages of legal, financial, and technical materials from Portuguese into English for Motorola, Inc.; over 200 pages of financial and accounting statements; for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Chicago and Long Island, New York over 200 pages of legal materials, including court proceedings, judicial rulings, sworn testimony, expert opinion reports, telephone and banking records, and corporate articles of incorporation and corporate records; over 500 pages of legal materials, such as court records of hearings, official judicial communications, court testimony, case notes of drug enforcement officers, and property titles.


TECHNICAL:  Patents, call-for-bids and accompanying specifications sheets; technical operations manual, environmental impact reports; medical records, and insurance claim adjustment reports.


COMMERCIAL AND ACCOUNTING:  Strategic plans, income tax returns, other tax-related documents, health insurance and benefits manuals, sales and advertising materials, representation and transfer-of-technology contracts, limited liability agreements, import permits, proforma invoices and quotations, import licenses, letters of credit, and minutes of board of directors' meetings.

PUBLIC RELATIONS AND VIDEO: Translate voice-over scripts for Bank of America, American Express, MasterCard, and Western Union on an ongoing basis. Simultaneous voice-over of Hofeld in Illinois Democratic Senatorial debate on Channel 26.  Translated educational script into Spanish and then read Spanish voice-over for Center for Craniofacial Abnormalities at the University of Illinois in Chicago; translated into Spanish two marketing scripts for Encyclopedia Britannica; and translated scripts on health benefits, quarterly video newsletter, and scripts and instructor's guide for continuing education series "Customer Service for Drivers," for Waste Management Technologies; also read voice-over scripts for Waste Management Technologies. 




Academic Translator and Editor in Spanish:                                            


McGraw-Hill Trade Division                                                                                               

Copyediting and proofreading of the trade book Tune-up

Your Spanish: The Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Spoken Spanish.

Rigby & Co.                                                                                                                                      

Wrote teacher’s guides in Spanish for 6 beginning readers (Blue, Red, and Yellow Levels), as follows: La piñata de Omar,

Los trucos de Omar, Quién lee con Omar, Omar batea un jonrón, Los regalos de Abuelita, and Omar va al desfile.


Thomas Nieman, Inc.                                                                                                               

Proofread Volume II of the text Abriendo puertas: Antología de literatura en español.


NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group                                                                          

Copyedited the text The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs, by Ronni Gordon and David Stillman.


McDougal Littel                                                                                                                           

Copyedited and reviewed the bilingual audio component of the World History series.

Consultant on the Spanish version of the "American Stories" for the American history textbook, The Americans.  Reviewed and edited scripts in Spanish and consulted on the Spanish voice-over studio sessions.
Consultant on the chapter summaries in Spanish for The Americans. 

Reviewed and edited written and oral chapter summaries in Spanish.

Consultant on Spanish version, for literature program of Language of Literature, grades 6 through 12.  Reviewed and edited Spanish written captions and titles and oral voice-] over montages for laser disks accompanying literature program.


McClahanan & Company                                                                        

Wrote and translated Language Assessment Tests for Grade 2; Edited Language Assessment Tests for Grade 4; rewrote and copy-edited Language Assessment Tests for Grades 1 and 6.


National Textbook Company                                                                                

Proofread NTC’s Streetwise Spanish: Speak and Understand Everyday Spanish.

Copyedited and proofread NTC's Dictionary of Latin American Spanish and NTC's Dictionary of Spanish Cognates Thematically Arranged.

Translated into Spanish the entire manuscript for Spanish edition of

NTC's Common American Phrases; front and back covers and explanatory pages of Essential American Idioms; and the preface to El diccionario del español chicano.  Translated into English front and back covers for Vox Compacto Spanish and English Dictionary; translated into French and Spanish NTC's Just Look and Learn Picture Dictionary.


The Wheetley Company                                                                                           

Edited mathematics workbooks, focus projects and excerpts from teacher's manual for D.C. Heath & Co.

Edited two volumes of World History for a Global Age and selected passages of the teacher's manual for Globe Book Co.

Edited three volumes of science textbook for junior high school, Human Biology, Survey of Living Things and Dynamic Processes.


Riverside Publishing Company                                                                                          

Edited Spanish translations of reading, writing and mathematics assessment tests to be given to third-, eighth- and twelfth-graders in the State of Arizona.
Publications International, Ltd.                                                                        
Translated two volumes from the young-adult "Discover" series, Volcanoes and Earthquakes and Deserts.  Also edited two companion volumes, Rain Forests and Weather.
Instructor in Spanish                                                                                                              
Private Spanish language instructor                                                                              
Designed and taught individualized course in conversational and legal Spanish to Lawrence Ruder, a personal injury attorney in Chicago.
Domino Amjet, Inc.                                                                                                                    
Designed and taught intensive course in basic Spanish to middle and upper management of this manufacturer and international distributor of jet ink printers.  Tailored materials to meet the technical language needs of various departments, such as customer service, 

technical services, sales and quality control.
Department of Foreign Languages                                                                                   
Lake Forest College
Designed and taught undergraduate course in Spanish for the professions, "Spanish for International Affairs."
Faculty in the Humanities                                                                                     
Shimer College
Teaching Assistant                                                                                                    
Department of Romance Languages
University of Pennsylvania
Certificate of Attendance, Distance Learning Course, 2011, 2013                                   
Translator’s and Interpreter’s Practice Lab [TIP]
Professor Leandro Wolfson, internationally recognized Argentine scientific and literary translator. Has taught translation studies at numerous universities, among others, the National University of La Pampa, The Center for Translators of Bariloche, the University of Aconcagua (Mendoza, Argentina), and the University of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Certificate of Attendance                                                                                        
Interpreter’s and Translator’s Practicum
Department of Modern Languages
DePaul University
Certificate of Attendance                                                                                        
Department of Modern Languages, DePaul University and Monterey Institute.  Completed workshop in interpreting and translating given by Holly Mikkelson of the Monterey Institute.
Certificate of Attendance, Department of Modern Languages, DePaul University
Completed Interpreters' and Translators' Practicum.
Certificate of Attendance, National Association of Judiciary
Interpreters and Translators, Chicago
Completed workshop in judicial interpreting.
Tutorial in New Testament Greek                                                                     
Lake Forest College
Conversation courses in French   

Alliance Française, Chicago


Completed course work and doctoral                                                                 

exams for in Romance Languages; dissertation pending,

University of Pennsylvania


       Concentrations in medieval literature,  contemporary Latin American narrative
       and romancero.


M.A. in Romance Languages                                                                                

University of Pennsylvania

Conversation courses in Hebrew                                                                       

Spertus College of Judaica, Chicago
B.A. in Spanish                                                                                             
Lawrence University
       Graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.
Illinois Humanities Council Grant                                                                  
Awarded $15,000 to support post-production costs for editing and distributing documentary film on Hispanic murals in Chicago, "Street Signs."  Film examines how murals, as a form of urban folkart, both preserve and transform the cultures of the various Hispanic groups living in a metropolitan environment.  Intended to be aired on public television stations, in educational settings such as libraries, schools, and museums, and at film festivals.
Illinois Arts Council Grant                                                                                   
Awarded $23,000 to underwrite production costs for documentary film, including on-tape interviews, live shooting, processing and videotape transfer for editing.
Illinois Humanities Council Grant                                                                  
Awarded $4,000 to help finance ethnological research project on Chicago's Hispanic murals.  Research used to write script for documentary film on murals.
Institute for Intercultural Studies Grant                                                                     
Awarded $2,000 to finance ethnological research on Chicago's Hispanic murals.
Newberry Library Summer Institute                                                                               
Institute in the Archival Sciences, sponsored by the Newberry Library and the National Endowment for the Humanities and conducted by Dr. Vicenta Cortés Alonso, Inspector-General of Archives in Spain.
Social Science Research Council Fellow                                                          
Awarded $3,776 fellowship to finance research for dissertation on the Pan-Hispanic romancero in Galicia, Spain.
Awarded "Excellence in Teaching Prize"                                                     
Award given by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, for outstanding performance in undergraduate teaching.
Penfield Fellow, University of Pennsylvania                                                              
Awarded grant of $4,100 and dissertation fee waiver to finance research on the Pan-Hispanic romancero in Galicia, Spain.              
Teaching Assistant in Spanish, Department of Romance Languages
                University of Pennsylvania (full scholarship for the doctoral degree)
Lawrence University
                Awards: Phi Beta Kappa and graduated magna cum laude for course work and undergraduate thesis on medieval Hispano-Hebraic poetry.                                                  
Translated from Portuguese to English Social Rights as Fundamental Human Rights: Their Essential Nature and Guarantees [Los Derechos Sociales como Derechos Humanos Fundamentales: Su Imprescindibilidad y Garantías], by Professor Rodrigo García Schwarz, now in print (Raider Publishing International, 2012).
"El romancero en Galicia," dissertation to be completed in December 1998.  Dissertation is a comparative study between Galician romancero texts, selected from a corpus of romances performed by Galician subjects whose interviews were recorded on tape, as well as romances from other Hispanic ballad traditions.
"Room to Dream:  The Child's World through Art."  Co-curated an exhibit of children's art, representing over 200 individual works drawn from 15 public schools and directed by 20 visual artists.  Exhibit commemorates the 30th anniversary of Urban Gateways, an arts organization devoted to educational programming and community-based arts for children.  Chicago, March-April 1991.
"Caricature, Visual Cliché and Irony:  Humor in Chicago's Hispanic Murals," Occasional Papers on Art (Beloit:  Beloit College, 1991).
"The Visual Language in Chicago's Latino Murals," Ariel, 5 (1988), 41-49.
"The Multiple Endings of Ferido está don Tristán:  Triumph of the Flesh or the Spirit?" Tristania, XII (1987-88), 25-43.
"Chicago's Hispanic Murals as a Visual Code," lecture given at the ACM Newberry Library Program, Newberry Library, Chicago, October 1988 and November 1987; and at the "Conference on Health and Behavior:  Research Agenda for Hispanics," sponsored by the Simón Bolívar Hispanic-American Psychiatric Program and the National Institute for Mental Health.  Chicago, May 1987.
"Puig and the Testimonial Novel: Literature as Liberation," paper given at the 1986 Midwest Modern Language Association Meeting.  Chicago, November 1987.
"Broadsides, Ballads and Woodcuts:  Popular Iconography in 16th-century Spain," paper given at the Medieval Conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  May 1986.
"Medieval Broadsides" and "Spanish Broadsides," two entries in The Arthurian Encyclopedia, ed. Norris J. Lacy (New York:  The Garland Press, 1985).
"La dama y el pastor:  From Ballad to Lyric Poem," paper read at the Midwest Modern Language Association Meeting.  November 1984.
"Spanish for the Professions:  Should our Teaching Stress the Practical or the Theoretical?"  Paper presented at The Conference on Foreign Languages for the Professions.  April 1984.  Paper was one of 17 selected for publication in The Modern Language Journal.
                Advisory Board of Latino Chicago Theater Company
                President of Lake Forest College Chapter
                Phi Beta Kappa
                Modern Language Association (MLA)
                Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA)
                American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
                American Translators Association (ATA)
                Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATI)
                New English Translators Association (NETA)
                National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (Najit)
                Chicago Area Interpreters and Translators Association (Chicata)
                 ProZ Translators Forum
                References and sample work
furnished upon request.


1 comment:

Illinois Language Services said...

Great post! Translating stories into multiple languages is such a powerful way to connect with diverse audiences. For those in need, reliable Translation Services in Illinois can help bring your stories to life while preserving their essence. Thanks for sharing this insight!