Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The True Joys of BIke Riding...

Chicago, IL USA: To motivate people, I post the 100TH mile mark that I've ridden since I purchased my last bike on Memorial Day of 2008. However, really being into it, I somehow forgot to look at the pedometer the last few days and now have found that I have gone over the

3300 Mark

and now have clocked some 3,332 miles

and this excess of 32 miles happened within the last 3 days as I usually go 10-14 miles a day. It doesn't take a lot to get me motivated -- as I know biking is an expedient form of travel; as well as a money-saver. When time is of the essence, it's a sure fire means to get to your destination without waiting for public transportation. Granted Chicago weather is as erratic as its politicians, you can always count on a bike that is serviced well. And, that of course, is the rider's responsibility.

My neighborhood bike shop is now in its 61st Year of Business and all bicyclists (families that have lived in the hood as well as newcombers that are just beginning their biking bouts) that go to Gary's love the decor, the demeanor and the excellent work ethic the family has -- after all, this is a Family Endeavor that has seen so much change on 'the block' - located just 1.5 blocks south of the Hub known as Clark & Devon. Knowing that your bike is in good hands when it needs repair sets your mind at ease.

"At ease is a breeze for those who have taken Biking to heart."

Quote of: ASK
9-30-9 - 10:27 AM CST

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