Sunday, April 24, 2011

Koopersmith's SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature ©2009 goes viral...

Chicago, IL USA:

Better post this while it's new, otherwise come tomoro this will be OLD news and KODAK waits 4 no 1, not even their Board of Directors. That's just the way technology goes - ie: the way of the Pony Express, even with lots of horsepower behind a project, there's always new High Tech to take over and make IT into history. Lucikly, we learn from our past if we pay attention and study it. Therefore, there's never a need for a boring day to come into play, if you fill it with learning new things, which is the only way to keep up with the newest advancements. Bearing this in mind...

This is a Pix of me, 2 Friends & my Book/Movie Scripts,

SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature (TM) - How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009 is found over there at:

However, because my relevant and timely THEMES deal with:

Eliminating Racism
Dispelling Mixed Signals &
Getting to the Heart of what really matters

these topics (especially the first) are not going away any time too soon. That phrase is called EVERGREEN that focuses on 'lasting power' - a topic that should always be immortalized for present and future generations to behold.

I am presently re-drafting, editing and lengthening the Scriptapalooza Quarterfinalist Winner of their International Screenplay Competition of 2010, iN THE COMPANY OF ANTS ©2009 from a 1 book/movie project into 3.

ETF: Estimated Time of Finishing is April 30, 2011 for Part One.

For any interested parties (of a creative nature and vein) interested in helping me produce/publish this 7-part Movie/Book Series/Sequel, email me directly at:


and we can talk as there is LOTS of opportunity for those in front and behind the camera since the topics are so 21st Century-in-the-making. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Posted by: ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Screenwriter - Author - Eventologist
Studio 1437
Chicago - IL USA

Sunday, April 24, 2011 - 12:55 PM CST

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