Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Everything you ever wanted to ask ASK about SKiN: The Book & Script. #12

Chicago, IL USA:

As a writer continues his or her work, it's a continual interplay of more ideas that pour in. That is, if you are one of those lucky writers who do NOT suffer from Writer's Block. Luckily that ailment has never struck me. Especially so when topics of such immense interest are 'out there' to write about. It was like a Second SKiN that I began writing:

SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature ™
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

last January - on the 29TH when the SKiN-spiration (R) hit me. Since then, the Concept has evolved from a Book to a major Screenplay of which PART 1 is now in Hollywood, being read by movie producers. And it doesn't stop there -- there are 4 other segments already completed which are being buffed up.

That's because writers just don't tack words together - it's the BUFFING and polishing that really takes the Time. Writing - in whatever Shade of SKiN you are in is always rich, exciting and hopefully rewarding.

SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature ™
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

can serve as an Inspiration as well as way to escape the Rigors of RACISM that we all know too very well. There really should not be anything to keep you from your Story.

CLOSING: Please stay tuned for another Segment of defining SKiN ©2009 tomorrow, which will be a Month-long Blog Series of KOOPERSMITHin'® celebrating the First Year Anniversary of the Composition of this Book and Movie Script.

Quote of ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Author: SKiN: Sacred Kinship in Nature (TM)
How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race ©2009

Posted: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 11:48 AM

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