Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kurt Perschke’s RedBall Project - Chicago-Style: Concluding Re(d)marks

SUBTITLE: The Finale of Kurt Perschke’s RedBall Project K-Blogs

Chicago, IL USA: Scientific American’s October, 2008 Cover told us to:

Forget the Big Bang: Now, it’s the BIG BOUNCE Theory

and indeed that was what happened when Kurt Perschke, Sculpture/Artist finalized his 15TH City-wide Exhibition in 25 Days at the renown Chicago Cultural Center on Thursday, September 25TH at 5 PM.

Releasing a significant Amount of Air from The Ball, that was stunningly hoisted between the void Air Space between the Mezzanine’s Balustrade and the southern Exposure Crescent Window near the South Entrance Way (some 15 feet across), the 250 lb. (perhaps it was down to 200 lbs. by that time) BALL hit the First Floor with a tremendous Thud (possibly seismic in nature), raising an engrained dusty film that was hardly noticeable to the thousands of people that enter The Center every Week. The Thud hit once; then twice followed by a mass of applause emanating from The Crowd that curiously gathered along The Sidelines to watch the Finale. None really knew what would happen. The only Physical Law (that the Majority knew about) was that the Gift of Gravity makes an Object fall to the Ground. If the Object is rubber, it’s bound to bounce. If it’s a 200+ Ball how hard and how far would it bounce? That’s what formulated most of The Surprise Ending. That Closing Event and Moment spiraled into the Culmination of an electrifying Exhibition of Public Art that united Residents, Tourists and Visitors of Chicago to the City Surroundings, yet depicted it in scarlet Tones that splashed on (to) The Scene.

Like a Bee to a Flower, Crowds had gathered throughout The Redball Project’s September Visit to Chicago and for good Reasons.

1) The Ball was a Curiosity.

2) It was bigger than life-size and this gave its Drawing Appeal.

3) It genuinely had a positive Affect over People that brought out an Array of Actions and Reactions.

4) It created a Sense of Community and Camaraderie to those who saw it.

For those who stopped to wonder and ponder its Existence and ask Why (it was there), People queried others about what they thought of The Ball.

It became:

5) The Buzz Word around town as more and more People told others who wanted to see ‘It’ for themselves.

Since a sizable Cluster of People now carry Cameras and/or their cell phones become an instant Camera, Pictures were continuously snapped of THE BALL in Action. That Action was not necessarily comprised of it ‘sitting stagnant’ there from 11AM – 6 PM on the Days it made ‘The Rounds’.

People (themselves) became involved. The Ball became ‘interactive.’ People staged a Series of Silly Antics that ranged from

head-butting The Ball;

to the 6-P Affect (which I labeled as: Punching, Pelting, Pounding, Pummeling, Pouncing, Patting & Pinching ‘The Ball;’

to laying under The Ball (even in pricey designer LaSalle Street ‘Suits’);

to pretending to ‘push it’ in an Atlas-type position;

to crawling up on to scaffolding encasing the Ball; and

to pulling an Assortment of Gymnastics including head and hand stands.

Throughout the Duration of the Presentation, The Ball itself did not move. Yet, The Ball moved People. This Deduction stems from the poignant quote a(nother) famous Chicago Artist, Walt Fydryck quoted several years ago:

“Don’t touch The Art, let The Art touch you.”

The Action embraced that of the Viewers; the Camera People; the TV & Radio Stations who found Kurt’s Sculpture to be as fascinating as the Politicians who were making News; the Crimes that were being committed and covered; the Dramas happening in the Entertainment Field; the Collapses on Wall Street; the Dreams of those going back to School, as September signals a Sign for Education to recommence and an End to The Summer – all the News that happened in September, 2008 equated to the News surrounding Kurt’s RedBall.

For a few Moments in Fleeting Time, the 'Blues' dissipated...


KURT PERSCHKE’s REDBALL PROJECT became an Educational as well as Psychological Course in Art, Human Nature, Interaction and Diligence. It became the Topic of many Papers (both on and off-line) and enthralled many Journalists from those who are seasoned Professionals from the biggest Newspapers in Chicago to Students entering the Broadcasting Field who were ‘out on Assignment’ to Interview the Artist and the City’s Reaction to it.

Q: Would this spherical Sculpture be as amazing if it were a clear (as glass) Ball?

Q: Did the RedBall increase Sales to Target, their Sponsor?

Q: What else will We find ‘around the next corner’ as We go upon our daily Routines?

Although most of the Questions Kurt was asked were the same, the Level of Interest was certainly there. This captivated not only The Artist who was extremely proud of his Undertaking (as this was the Seventh City The RedBall Project and its Third Continent visited and once Perschke’s Home), it methodically became a Reminder that Public Art Displays (as this) are made possible by the fine Sponsorship of larger Concerns – Target Corp, who backed the Project and believe in ‘giving back.’ Throughout Art History, the Church, Government, The Wealthy and Corporations have backed Human Creativity. In this highly troubled and recessionary/depressionary Age, that seems like the furthest Avenue to pursue in anyone’s mind, but it is the Goal of Target. Every Week, Target (based in Minneapolis, Minnesota as it celebrates its 106TH Milestone Anniversary), gives 5% of its Income to Communities – over $3,000,000 every Week.

“Target held a Ball and Chicago was invited.”

Quote of ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 – 11:12 AM CST

Judging by the great Attendance Levels at each Pivotal Point, People of all Ages enjoyed and responded in a receptive and friendly manner. That is an Art in and of itself.

As Kurt conducted Interviews every Day to those professionals in The Media as well as passers-by who merely wanted to meet the Artist and see what made him ‘tick,’ the Ideas shared could fill Volumes. There are still many Questions that need to be answered. The light-heartedness of seeing a giant Ball made People happy. Happier still was the Response it elicited from People, who…most likely would not have stopped and chatted with one another if The Redball Project had not graced Chicago.


T – The
H – Hot
R – RedBall
I – Is
L – Leaving
L – Land of Lincoln

is gone, but not forgotten. Now, that’s pretty meaningful in and of itself, you know.

Reported by:

ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Koopersmith’s Global Communications
“People read what Adrienne writes about…”
GORF Werks Central
“Home of The Grin Reaper’ – ‘Chicago’s First Green Mascot’
‘The Icon of The Green Movement’
Chicago – chicaGORF – IL USA

Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 1:10 PM CST

SOURCE: Info about Target found at:

1 comment:

Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith said...


Written & Submitted by:
Klancy Perkins
Assistant to: ASK
December 31, 2008 – 10:20 AM CST

ASK, ADRIENNE SIOUX KOOPERSMITH, a long-time Chicago Resident, emitted an extremely enthusiastic response for Cameraman/Director of Photography/Filmmaker, TONY GADDIS of St. Louis, Missouri who asked her to say a few words about her initial Reaction to Kurt Perschke’s Redball Project that was stationed in front of the Restaurant called Wishbone-on-Washington (merely a stone’s throw from Harpo Studio – Home of the Oprah Winfrey Show) on Friday, September 5, 2008. Being an Artist, Writer, Lifestyle Conceptualist and hailed as: ‘America’s Premier Eventologist’ in her own ‘Rite of Passage’ as well as an ardent Fan for all Things RED, one of the 3 Primary Colors of the Universe, ADRIENNE spoke to TONY at length about what she personally felt KP’s Contribution to The World of Sculpture was and what The Sculpture symbolized in its month-long stay in Chicago, the 3rd largest Marketplace in the USA. This was (after all) her 2ND of 15 Visits (having sadly missed its First at the Millennium Park) she would make TO THE BALL (as she termed the EVENT) and a RED-imentary Way to get out for The Month and Mingle.

Seeing and charting The Pulse and Reaction of others as they stopped, stared and encircled THE BALL (that measures 15 feet high) was an Adventure in Human Nature. Promoting Popular Culture for nearly 30 years via her PRAM (Public Relations/Advertising/Marketing) Company, KOOPERSMITH’s GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS, ASK knew exactly what Manhattan Sculptor, Kurt Perschke was aiming to do with his monstrously BIG RED RUBBER BALL.

Later, after they got to know each other, ADRIENNE joined the Team by becoming their official Daily Blogger contributing 22 BLOGS (equating to 24,656 Words) on her Forbes’ hailed BLOG called: KOOPERSMITHIN’ ® that appeared in September – solely devoted to THE REDBALL PROJECT.

HOW’D HE DO THAT? Kurt garnered the Assistance of one of the top 3 greatest Retail Giants in the Northern Hemisphere that coincidentally was RED-dy to help. Most of the General Population was not aware that Target would soon be opening up 36 new Stores on October 14TH in 21 States, after a near Total Collapse of the American as well as Global Meltdown (in October, 2008) -- within just a month. Seeing a Big RedBall appear out of nowhere instantly made a Person smile and wonder…why or why not.

‘Giving Back’ to The Community (in an otherwise greedy, ‘take-it-all’ World) ASK surmised was an incredible Marketing Strategy aimed towards The People to show, overall, and on a Grand Scale that even when Times are slim and sparse, there is Solidarity at work highlighted by a Flaming Red Event, all within The Bounce of a Ball. Being an Attention-Getter, once a Person’s Attention is within reach and secured, any Conversation and Dialogue can ensue and hopefully, it will be beneficial to both participating Parties.

For those viewing The Reel found online at:


ASK also promotes GORF (the 24.5” plush TOY FROG with the infectious 11” Smile) as ‘Chicago’s First Green Mascot’ & ‘The Icon of the Green Movement’ (who coincidentally has two big Red Eyeballs or Orbs). She is holding him during her Commentary that Filmmaker, TONY GADDIS was shooting at The Wishbone Restaurant. GORF continuously accompanied ADRIENNE as she attended each RedBall Event and used as a Photographic Prop during the entire Duration of the REDBALL PROJECT as the Parallel of how both REDBALL & GORF ran along similar parallels and makes an Artistic Statement in and of itself.

QUOTING CLARENCE: Clarence Lipideau (after seeing the Video believes Tony’s Taped Commentary was): “The most positive Statement Target could have received from a Civilian. No script or state-of-the-art New York City Ad Firm could have placed those poignant Words into Koopersmith’s Mouth. Her Testimonial is definitely worth its Weight in ‘Gold’ or should we say Red Rubies to keep with the Theme. When I saw Adrienne’s Segment, it was so spontaneous, fresh, upbeat, real and true, it inspired me to exude my Appreciation for the Content of the Moment.”

CONCLUDING REMARKS: Target Corporation, the #2 Discount Chain Store Retailer is not like Wall Street Financiers in the sense that it houses unscrupulous Overlords and Swindlers. “Every Man” (Woman & Child) is Target’s Bed-and-Butter. Their Corporate Mission is to treat People the Way ‘The People’ deserve to be treated, with Respect, Dignity and Provisions or Opportunities to score great Products, super(b) Deals as well as knowing and feeling (deep down) that when their Customer returns home, that Trip is with Money in their Pocket(s). Scalping or Robbing is not in their Vocabulary or Business Plans. To Koopersmith, this is the Continuation of ‘The American Dream’ which is quickly dissolving in too many People’s Lives.

“Target puts the FUN and FUNDS (back) into Shopping.”
QUOTE OF ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
Monday, December 22, 2008 – 11:34 AM CST.

Tony Gaddis for his 2009 Filmmaking Schedule at: tony(at)thefountainstudio(dot)com


Kurt Perschke for his future Art Projects that include The RedBall Project’s June, 2009 Appearance in Toronto, Canada during their Luminato Festival at: kurt(at)redballproject(dot)com

CONTACT INFO: To hire ASK to appear in your Print Ads and Commercials for 2009, contact her directly at:


Green Groups (those environmentally conscious) may contact GORF at:


ASK’s RedBall Blogs are found at:

October 1, 2008

& for the entire Month of September, these earlier Blogs begin at:


and chronologically run (back-words) from September 30 – September 3 (2008).